Base R

Within base R, to do a randomized control block design, it’s necessary to have the data saved in three columns: and ‘Outcome’ column with the values, a ‘Block’ column with the block values, and a ‘Treatment’ column with the treatment values. Use Example 2 from Section 13.3 as an example of how the data needs to look.

Outcomes <- c(15, 17.9, 17.5, 16.3, 15.4, 14.6, 17.4, 14.8, 17.3, 19.3, 17.7, 16, 14.2, 14.4, 18.8, 10.4, 12.2, 14.8, 12, 14.3)
Treatments <- factor(rep(c('Diet 1', 'Diet 2', 'Diet 3', 'Diet 4'), each = 5))
# NOTE: each = 5 means to repeat each factor five times.
Blocks <- factor(rep(c('Block 1','Block 2','Block 3','Block 4','Block 5'), 4))
# NOTE: the “4” is shorthand for ‘times = 4’.  So, instead of repeating an element a certain number of times, the sequence repeats a certain number of times. 
Block_data <- data.frame('Outcomes' = Outcomes, 'Treatments' = Treatments, 'Blocks' = Blocks)
##    Outcomes Treatments  Blocks
## 1      15.0     Diet 1 Block 1
## 2      17.9     Diet 1 Block 2
## 3      17.5     Diet 1 Block 3
## 4      16.3     Diet 1 Block 4
## 5      15.4     Diet 1 Block 5
## 6      14.6     Diet 2 Block 1
## 7      17.4     Diet 2 Block 2
## 8      14.8     Diet 2 Block 3
## 9      17.3     Diet 2 Block 4
## 10     19.3     Diet 2 Block 5
## 11     17.7     Diet 3 Block 1
## 12     16.0     Diet 3 Block 2
## 13     14.2     Diet 3 Block 3
## 14     14.4     Diet 3 Block 4
## 15     18.8     Diet 3 Block 5
## 16     10.4     Diet 4 Block 1
## 17     12.2     Diet 4 Block 2
## 18     14.8     Diet 4 Block 3
## 19     12.0     Diet 4 Block 4
## 20     14.3     Diet 4 Block 5

To do an anova in Base R, use the following code:

summary(aov(Outcomes~ Treatments + Blocks, data = Block_data))
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)  
## Treatments   3  51.87  17.290   5.665 0.0118 *
## Blocks       4  14.71   3.678   1.205 0.3585  
## Residuals   12  36.62   3.052                 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Ignore the P-value for the blocks.  The P-value for the treatment (Diet) is 0.0118.